
API functional documentation

You can access the Lizard API via “{your_organisation}”.


What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. The API, looking like the picture above, gives back timeseries, rasters, or other data or information. This is depending on the request you do to the API. This request comes from the URL you type in the browser. You can also access the API via another program, and make automatic requests.

Basic use API

Below we discuss a basic request to the API. More examples and possibilities will be discussed further down

The basic url is www.{your_organisation}, for example:

If you type this in your browser, for example Google Chrome, you will get a list of parameters. These parameters are so called endpoints. If you paste this endpoint after your basic url, you will initiate a query. An example is locations. If you click on the url , you will send a query to Lizard to search all locations that you have access to. As a response, you will get indeed the locations back, as well as some metadata.


Above each page, you will see some additional parameters, with which you can specify your query more. Most endpoints have examples of this.


If we are looking for a specific location, with a name that starts with ‘Inlaat’, we can use this query:

If you are an administrator or supplier of the data, you can also edit or delete the data via the API.


We support two versions of our API:

  • API v3: deprecated (sunset date: 4 July 2023)

  • API v4: stable

API V3 will be taken offline by 4 July 2023. Any use in scripts or applications should be reimplemented in API V4. API V4 is the stable version. We can make changes to this version, but they should always be backwards compatible and therefore not break any existing use.

Digitale Delta API

De Nederlandse watersector staat voor de opgave om in een snel veranderende omgeving haar informatievoorziening te transformeren en klaar te maken voor de toekomst. De Digitale Delta is het open platform voor het aanbieden en vinden van relevante data voor het waterbeheer in Nederland. Lizard spreekt Digitale Delta en is een van de dataleveranciers binnen de Digitale Delta. De Digitale Delta API Root is te vinden op

De documentatie van de Digitale Delta API is te vinden op:

Data uploads

We support multiple types of data uploads. Data can be uploaded manually, via the data management interface, or you can set up real-time data connections using the API. We can also provide support on either manual or automatic data uploads.


Please note that Lizard assumes the data to be in UTC



Your raster data has to be in the format of a single band, georeferenced TIFF (geotiff), with the following requirements:

  • Geotiff should have valid projection including transformation (EPSG code). All projections supported by proj4 are supported.

  • Geotiff should have a NODATA value.

  • Geotiff should be single band. RGB or multi-band is not supported.

  • Temporal raster datasets with multiple timesteps should be supplied with a single geotiff per timestamp


You can supply your GeoTIFF’s in multiple ways:

  • Use the Data Management App

  • Use the Lizard API

  • Use the Lizard FTP

Use of the Data Management App is fairly straightforward and is build upon our API. If you want to upload larger raster datasets, please make use of our API.

Using the Data Management App

Once you have successfully created a raster store you will see the pop up below.


Choose upload data to browse your GeoTIFF’s. When you want to add data to an existing raster store, click on the upload icon uploadicon in the list of existing Raster Stores.

You can supply multiple rasters, Lizard will blend them together! Click “Save all Files” to start uploading your data. Your GeoTIFF’s will be uploaded in a task. You can follow the status of the task by clicking “show asynchronous task”.


Using the Lizard API

Below you find an example of how to upload a temporal geotiff in Python:

import os
import shutil
import requests
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

srcdir = r""
tgtdir = r"" #Files are transfered here after being uploaded
base_url = '{}/data/' #Fill in rastersource__uuid
api_key = '' #Fill in personal API key of supplier account

headers= {
        "username": "__key__",
        "password": "{}".format(api_key)

file_id = 10000001 #Random counter

for filename in os.listdir(srcdir):
        f = open(os.path.join(srcdir, filename), 'rb')
        files = {'file': f}
        payload = {'file_id': file_id,
                           'timestamp': '{}'.format(
        #The upload request could be put in a try/except like the result check, to prevent disruptions
        res =,
        #Check task result to know when to upload the next
        task_url= res.json()['url']
        processed = False
        while not processed:
                time.sleep(4) #Can be adjusted based on average processing time per file
                        task_res= requests.get(url=task_url,
                        if task_res.json()['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
                                processed = True
                        print('Error occurred')
        shutil.move(os.path.join(srcdir, filename),
                                os.path.join(tgtdir, filename)
        file_id+= 1

Time Series


Time series can be linked through their location to one of the vector data models listed here.

Time series can be imported manually, by uploading a csv file in the timeseries management screen (see or via the API.


Using the Data Management App

The first line of the file should describe the column names, for example:

Example wcsv







The columns should contain:

  • timestamp: a timestamp in iso8601 format.

  • value: value as either a float or integer number.


The upload will fail if there are duplicate timestamp

Using the Lizard API

Timeseries data can be supplied with a POST request to the timeseries data endpoint in the API (<baseurl>/api/v4/timeseries/{uuid}/data/). Interaction with the API can be done from e.g. Postman or Python. User credentials should be included in the header and the data in the payload of the request.

Value based timeseries

This type of timeseries consists of integers, floats, float arrays or text. The body of the request is a JSON object with timestamps and values:

    "data": [{
                    "datetime": "2019-07-01T01:30:00Z",
                    "value": 40.7
                    "datetime": "2019-07-01T02:00:00Z",
                    "value": 39.1

File based timeseries

This type consists of images, movies or files. A single files is posted on a certain datetime, which is included in the header of the request.

An example of an upload of an image using requests in Python:

import requests
import datetime as dt

now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
uuid = ‘385c08c5-a0cf-4097-a98f-b6f053ef32c6’
url = '{}/events/'.format(uuid)
data = open('./x.png', 'rb').read()
res =,
                    'Content-Type': 'image/png',
                    'datetime': now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'),
                    'username': 'jane.doe',
                    'password': 'janespassword'


We support asset synchronisation. This type of data feed has to be configured per customer. Changes in location names, coördinates and new locations can be seen in Lizard as soon as the following day.

Upload vectors as a shapefile

Assets can be uploaded to Lizard with shapefiles via the import form at <base-url>/import. These shapefiles contain information about assets or assets together with their nested assets (e.g. GroundwaterStations and their Filters).

A shapefile can be uploaded as a zipped archive. The zipfile should contain at least a .dbf, .shp, .sh and a .ini file. In case of nested assets, these should be found in the same shapefile record (row) as their assets. The following section provides an example of an .ini file for groundwater stations.

Assets without nested assets

An .ini file is used to map shapefile attributes to Lizard database tables, organisations and attributes. An .ini file consists of three sections:

  • [general]: indicates asset name to upload to and optionally organisation uuid.

  • [columns]: maps lizard columns to shapefile columns

  • [default]: optionally provide default values for columns

This example .ini creates a new asset from each record of the shapefile, with:

  • A code taken from the ID_1 column of the shapefile;

  • A name taken from the NAME column of the shapefile;

  • A surface_level taken from the HEIGHT column of the shapefile;

  • A frequency that defaults to daily;

  • A scale that defaults to 1, which means this asset can be seen at world scale, when the asset-layer in Lizard-nxt is configured accordingly.

Assets with nested assets

In case of nested assets another section should be added to the .ini file:

  • [nested]: maps lizard columns to shapefile columns, it is possible to add multiple nested assets for one asset.

A groundwater station with filters (its nested assets) would look like this:

asset_name = GroundwaterStation
nested_asset = Filter

code = ID_1
name = NAME
surface_level = HEIGHT

frequency = daily
scale = 1

first = 2_code
fields = [code, filter_bottom_level, filter_top_level, aquifer_confiment, litology]

The [nested] categories describe:

  • first: indicates the first column in the shapefile that maps lizard columns to shapefile columns. This column and all columns to its right configure nested assets. The number of these columns should be a multiple (the number of maximum nested assets per asset) of the fields.

  • fields: lizard-nxt fields. Each column in the shapefile (including the ‘first’) is mapped to these fields in order, without considering the shape column names.

This example .ini creates (a) new nested asset(s) from each record of the shapefile, with:

  • A link to an asset that conforms to the asset as described in the Assets without nested assets.

  • A code taken from the 2_code column of the shapefile. And a new nested asset with a filter_bottom_level for each 5th column from that column onwards;

  • A filter_bottom_level taken from the column directly next to the 2_code column of the shapefile. And a new nested asset with a filter_bottom_level for each 5th column from that column onwards;

  • A filter_top_level taken from the column 2 columns next to the 2_code column of the shapefile. And a new nested asset with a filter_top_level for each 5th column from that column onwards;

  • A aquifer_confinement taken from the column 3 columns next to the 2_code column of the shapefile. And a new nested asset with a aquifer_confinement for each 5th column from that column onwards;

  • A lithology taken from the column 4 columns next to the 2_code column of the shapefile and each. And a new nested asset with a lithology for each 5th column from that column onwards

You can copy paste this code in your own .ini file and zip it together with the shapefile.


If you have additional questions about the use of the API contact our servicedesk (