Self Service Portal


Nelen & Schuurmans provides a Service Desk function via The Nelen & Schuurmans Self Service Portal is available 24/7. The Service Desk gives support on all Lizard products for Lizard customers. Customers can reach telephonic support (Prio 1) on working days from 09:00 - 17:00 (CEST) excluding the Dutch public holidays.

Customers can report incidents primarily via the Self Service Portal but may also do so via email:

This access should be used for, but is not limited to:

  • New incidents

  • Monitor service progress

  • Account requests

  • Malfunctions reports

  • Query, problem and defect reporting

  • Requests for general technical support

  • Submission of enhancement/feature requests

All incidents relating to the Lizard software with the exception of enhancement/feature requests are recorded and followed up at no additional cost.

Priority incidents

The responsiveness of Nelen & Schuurmans is driven by the severity of an incident. All incidents within the agreement can be subdivided into priorities.

There are three levels here. Each level is based on an urgency. The initiative for determining urgency lies primarily with the applicant. The levels are:

  • Prio 1 (high): Lizard functionality is completely unavailable or inaccessible. The situation requires immediate attention. The work and/or management processes are hindered or the importance to the Client is large with no workaround possible.

  • Prio 2 (medium): The work and/or control processes are hindered or the Client’s importance is large, but a workaround is possible.

  • Prio 3 (low): Not urgent. Lizard is impaired, a single function is impacted but key business processes are not interrupted. The problem causes minimal operational or business impact, a general technical question or enhancement request.

  • Prio 4 (long-term): Whenever an item is “nice to have” instead of an issue, this could be announced as a long-term ticket.

Feature requests

As a user of Lizard, your opinion is well valued. Feel free to provide feedback through the servicedesk. If your organisation would like to request a feature, this can always be discussed with our team. For more info the customer can contact the local Lizard consultant or email to